Russell Miller for the Tree Musketeers has a few walks and talks coming up.
Wednesday 12 May 6-8pm
Zoom Webinar with the Arboriculture Association: Community Engagement with Trees 6-8pm. I will be speaking at about 6.45pm on: “Community Arboriculture and Tree Musketeers”.
Book here:
Saturday 15 May 6pm
I will be giving a similar talk to the Urban Tree Festival at 6pm on Saturday. Book here:
Sunday 16 May 1pm
On Sunday at 1pm I’m participating in an Urban Tree Festival event about tree flowers and blossom. I’m doing a brief presentation about wildlife and tree flowers. Apologies if the event text is unclear. I’m not sure what others will be talking about!
Book here:
Thursday 20th May 6pm
Abney Park Trust are broadcasting a pre-recorded talk (followed by live Q & A) about the surviving Loddiges trees at Abney as part of the cemetery’s 181st anniversary. This talk will highlight some of Abney’s remarkably rare cultivars for which there are no recognised names.
Friday 5th June 2.30pm
Finally at 2pm on Sat 5 June I’m leading a real life tree ID walk in person at the Welsh Harp in Brent. Limited places.
Book here: