We all like to live in a well-planned and maintained area. Cazenove Ward is lucky to have inherited fine Victorian architecture. There have, of course, been some disastrous and ugly intrusions – but on the whole, the area is something to be proud of. This page links you to various sites – mainly on the Hackney Planning website – which should give an overview of the area and answer questions on planning issues..
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the boundaries of the Ward?
In 2012 the Local Government Boundaries Commission for England redrew the boundaries of the Ward – making minor adjustments to the north-east corner around Clapton Common. Their proposals are likely to be ratified by Parliament in 2014.
What are the policies that govern planning?
There are three levels: National, London and Hackney. All Boroughs are governed by the Mayor of London’s comprehensive London Plan.
Link National Planning Policy Framework
Link The London Plan
Hackney’s Core Strategy is derived from The London Plan.
Link Hackney’s Core Strategy 2010-2025
Building Works
I want to extend my house. What rules apply?
Planning Officers are guided by Hackney’s Supplementary Planning Document on Residential Extensions and Alterations when they consider applications. The document applies throughout the Borough and its rules not limited to Conservation Areas. It’s highly informative, packed with helpful illustrations of best practice.
Link Residential Extensions and Alterations
The Conservation Area
Am I living within the Conservation Area?
Cabinet approved the Northwold-Cazenove Conservation Area on 15th September 2010. It takes in most of the Ward
Link Northwold-Cazenove Area Conservation Area – Map
Cabinet’s decision was taken following an assessment carried out by Dr Anne Robey. It’s worth a read. It traces the history of the area from late Saxon times to the present. It’s full of maps and photographs
Link Northwold-Cazenove Conservation Area – Report
What are the additional rules controlling work in a Conservation Area?
There are a number of rules that apply to building work in a Conservation Area. These cover:
- Planning permission
- Windows and doors
- Roof-lights and dormer roof extensions
- Ground-floor extensions
- Gardens
- Demolition, satellite dishes and solar panels
If you alter your property, you must apply for Conservation Area Consent at the same time as making the regular Planning Application.
Link Building work in a Conservation Area
What about trees in the Conservation Area?
All trees in a Conservation Area are protected. If you want to prune or remove a tree, you must get permission. You can get advice initially from the Tree Officer, Nick Jacobs before you fill in the Application Form.
Link Tree Management
How did they get away with that?
In their own words, Hackney’s Enforcement Team is: “committed to protecting the environment from unauthorised development and we will investigate alleged breaches of planning control.”
… however, things don’t often work out that smoothly …
Rules are only as effective if they are enforced. Walking around the Ward, you’ll see plenty of examples which make you ask ‘How did they get permission for that?’ Often, the answer is ‘They didn’t.’ Perhaps no one complained. Perhaps the Council didn’t act promptly enough. If something is up for four years unchallenged, it stays up.
The answer is to be vigilant and to challenge illegal building work but, be warned, you may find yourself driven to distraction before you get any action.
Hackney’s Enforcement Department is notoriously inefficient. Cases can drag on for years before they are resolved. There is a high staff turnover and the latest Government cuts have reduced staffing. Having said that, resources are poorly managed.
What can I do?
Before you do anything, check the Planning website – to see whether what is being done has permission.
Link Planning Application Search
If your neighbour has blocked your light or built a massive extension you should start with a complaint.
Link Starting the enforcement Procedure
What else can I do?
Spreading the news can get you more support. One way is to use the CAAG email system to let others know about what is going on.
The Full Picture
If you want to access Hackney’s full range of documents on line go to:
Link Planning Page