Trees 2021

Windus Streets for People: The Trees in 2021

Fifteen years on from the start of the ‘Streets for People’ project, all the trees that were planted are thriving. These photos were taken either in the autumn of 2020 or spring 2021.

Forburg Road and Filey Avenue: outside the north entrance to Jubilee School

Birch: Betula nigra

From North America, with shaggy, flaking, cinnamon/orange bark. The trunk often splits low down into two or three stems. Foliage is soft green and diamond shaped.

Filey Avenue and Osbaldeston Road: outside no. 81

A compact conical habit. Its dark green wavy-edged Leaves have taper-pointed lobes.

Maple: Acer lobelii

Filey Avenue and Oldhill Street: outside nos. 8-12

Cherry: Prunus x hillieri ‘Spire’

Upright habit and profusion of pink flowers. Rather slow-growing.

Filey Avenue and Kyverdale Road: outside 69

Birch: Betula papyrifera

It has white, papery bark and attractive yellow autumn foliage.

Oldhill Street and Lynmouth Avenue

Sophora Japonica ‘Princeton upright’ (on north west corner)

Once mature, panicles of yellow-white, pea-like flowers are borne in August followed by long grey seedpods in autumn.

Oldhill Street and Lynmouth Avenue

Corylus colurna: Turkish Hazel

Notable for its roughly-textured, corky bark. It produces long, yellow catkins early in spring and clusters of fringed nuts in autumn.

Liquidambar: Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Stella’

The bright-green foliage of spring and summer turns from golden yellow to crimson in autumn.

Oldhill Street: outside nos. 6-10

Birch: Betula utilis ‘Snow Queen’

‘Snow Queen’ has snowy white, exfoliating bark. Medium sized, ovate mid-green foliage is complemented by yellow/brown catkins in spring. In autumn, foliage turns a beautiful golden yellow.

Oldhill Street and Windus Walk

Maple: Acer lobelii

Maple: Acer lobelii

A compact conical habit. Its dark green wavy-edged Leaves have taper-pointed lobes.

Acer ginola

Kyverdale Road and Windus Walk

Birch: Betula albosensis ‘Fascination’

The dark-green leaves appear in April, along with yellow catkins. Its trunk peels to pink and cream.

Birch: Betula ermanii

Birch: Betula ermanii

Elegant conical tree, the bright green, often heart-shaped and prominently-veined leaves appear very early in spring and become clear yellow in autumn. The creamy bark peels to a tint of pink.

Kyverdale Road and Lampard Grove

Maple: Acer lobelii

A compact conical habit. Its dark green wavy-edged Leaves have taper-pointed lobes.

Liquidambar: Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Stella’

The bright-green foliage of spring and summer turns from golden yellow to crimson in autumn.

Lampard Grove: outside 81A and 79

Liquidambar: Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Stella’

The bright-green foliage of spring and summer turns from golden yellow to crimson in autumn.

Lampard Grove: outside nos. 42, 50 and 87-89

Corylus colurna: Turkish Hazel

Notable for its roughly-textured, corky bark. It produces long, yellow catkins early in spring and clusters of fringed nuts in autumn.

Lampard Grove and Alkham Road: outside nos. 57-61

Prunus ‘Shimidusa Sakura’

Prunus: Prunus ‘Shimidusa Sakura’

A small tree, one of the most outstanding Japanese cherries. The pink buds open to reveal large, white, fimbrated flowers which clothe the branches in long-stalked clusters.

Lampard Grove and Alkham Road: outside the block of flats on Alkham

Liquidambar: Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Stella’

The bright-green foliage of spring and summer turns from golden yellow to crimson in autumn.

Alkham Road and Windus Road

Birch: Betula albosensis ‘Fascination’

The darkgreen leaves appear in April along with yellow catkins. It trunk peels to pink and cream.

Maple: Acer ginala

It is early into leaf in spring and produced white fragrant flowers in May. In autumn its foliage turns a stunning red.