Adopted: September 2000
The Organisation shall be called Cazenove Area Action Group (CAAG) hereafter to be referred to as “the organisation”.
The Aims of the Organisation are:
2.1 To enable residents in the Cazenove ward to meet, communicate, co-ordinate and organise, regarding matters of local interest.
2.2 To encourage local awareness of council actions and policies within the local area.
2.3 To liaise with the council, local organisations and other relevant organisations.
2.4 To produce a local newsletter and maintain a CAAG website
The Officers of the Organisation shall be as follows:
- Chairperson: Iain Bruce
- Secretary: Tom Albu
- Treasurer: Peter Cummings
In order to achieve its Aims the Organisation has the power to:
a) Pay for work to be done to further the agreed aims.
b) Co-operate with other organisations such as voluntary bodies, charities and the statutory authorities and also to exchange information and advice with them;
c) Raise funds by any lawful means except permanent trading;
d) Accept gifts either for a specific purpose connected with the Aims or for the general Aims;
e) Do anything else within the law that is necessary in carrying out the Aims.
a) Membership is open to anyone who wishes to support the Aims and who lives within the Cazenove Ward.
b) The Committee reserves the right to charge an annual subscription for membership.
c) A member may resign their membership at any time.
d) The Committee shall have the right to terminate the membership of any member for good and sufficient reason but the member shall have the right to put their case to the Committee meeting before a decision is made.
e) The Committee must keep a list of members.
a) An Annual General Meeting, of which 7 days public notice shall be given, shall be held in each calendar year to deal with the following business:
(1) Receive the Committee’s report and accounts for the previous year;
(2) Elect the Committee for the following year;
(3) Deal with any other matter, which the Committee or members wish to raise.
b) A meeting of all members may be held at any time if called by the Committee or if at least five members ask the Committee to arrange such a meeting. 7days notice shall be given to members of such a meeting.
c) The Chairperson of the Committee or in their absence some other person elected by the meeting takes the chair at meetings.
a) The Committee is the body responsible for the management of the Organisation. The Committee will communicate by means of email as and when it is necessary. It will meet as required.
b) The Committee consists of the Officers and a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 other members of the Organisation.
c) The members of the Committee are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and normally hold office until the end of the Annual General Meeting the following year.
d) Candidates for election to the Committee must be nominated and seconded in writing or by email by members of the Organisation and must give their consent to stand for election. Nominations and consents must be sent to the Committee within seven days of the notice calling the Annual General Meeting. A candidate must have been a member of the organisation for a minimum of 6 months.
e) At the first meeting of the Committee in every year the members must appoint from among themselves a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
f) A member of the Committee must give the Chairperson a written note of their intention to resign.
g) If anyone resigns from the Committee during the year the Committee has the power to fill the vacancy by co-option; a co-opted member has the same voting powers and will hold office for the same period as the Committee member replaced.
h) The Committee may appoint sub-committees to carry out specific tasks but the sub-committee must always report back to the Committee as soon as possible.
i) The Committee must keep minutes of its meetings and proceedings and keep safe all records relating to the Organisation.
a) No decision may be taken at Committee Meetings or via email unless at least 5 members are present or in the case of email, respond by email.
b) No decision may be taken at a General Meeting unless one third of the members are present. If one third of the members are not present then the meeting may be adjourned for up to 14 days. At the re-adjourned meeting at least 5 members present will mean the meeting is able to proceed and to make decisions.
Every question at General meetings or Committee meetings is decided by a majority of the votes cast by the members present or responding via email. In the case of equality of votes the Chairperson has a second or casting vote.
a) All funds belonging to or raised for the Organisation must be paid directly into an account operated by, and in the name of, the Organisation at a bank or building society.
b) All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two members of the Committee.
c) All funds belonging to the Organisation may only be used in furthering the Aims of the organisation.
This Constitution may be amended at a General Meeting if agreed by at least two thirds of the members present and voting.
a) If the Committee decides at any time that it is necessary to dissolve the Organisation it shall call a Meeting of all members.
b) If two-thirds of the members present vote in favour of dissolving the Organisation the Committee shall have power to wind up the affairs of the Organisation.
c) Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of proper debts and liabilities shall be transferred to one, or a number of, local voluntary organisations.